Thursday, June 26, 2014

A New House

A new house for ZB's dolls, that is.  I had seen some ideas for cardboard doll houses online and after seeing some that were extreme (sliding doors, wired lighting, spiral staircases, etc), I found a simple and sturdy version that suited me much better!  Here's the basic design I chose for ZB's first dollhouse:
After fitting the pieces together, I hot-glued a second level on with the scrap cardboard.  We had some friends over and all the kids happily joined in making this a special play spot!

The kids and I worked for nearly 2 hours adding ribbons, curtains, coloring, making furnture, slides and stairs. They deserved a popsicle break!  These are made with goat milk kefir, strawberries, bananas, grass-fed gelatin and cod liver oil.  Pretty much when all that nutritious stuff is blended with strawberries and frozen on a stick, it magically tastes delicious!

After their break, I got the toddlers back to work.  We went the garden and harvested peas.  I sure love snow peas, but if you're like me and neglect harvesting for several days, you end up with big fat peas.  Just the job for little hands.
After a while the little ones just wanted to eat and play instead of shell peas, and I had a hard time keeping any in the bowl to make lunch with!
After our friends went home, ZB finally got to settle down and help her tiny My Little Pony friends settle into their new house.
It was a good day with friends and making new toys always feels productive.  Looking forward to a relaxing weekend of camping!

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