We got a great cabin in the woods, right on a creek outside of Bryson City. I could have easily hung out just at the cabin the entire weekend!
The cabin area had lots of little fun things to poke around and explore.We did go have some adventures, though!
We went hiking at Deep Creek in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
It was the perfect weekend to go as Labor Day had past, but "leaf" season hasn't started yet. The weather was still perfectly summer-like, but we weren't surrounded by other visitors!
The boys and I rented inflatable kayaks and boated down the Nantahala River in the Nantahala Gorge. No photos of that, as the camera surely would have been soaked over that 3 hour ride!
On the last day, we had planned to go back to Deep Creek and go tubing, but the kids were worn out! Instead, we drove back down into the Gorge and just relaxed in the river, watching boaters and rafters float by, while we enjoyed locally-made ice cream sandwiches - yum!