Monday, July 23, 2012

Morning Chore Surprise!

ZB and I headed out this morning to do the outdoor parts of the morning chores.  I have started putting two areas of food out for the chickens.  The younger chickens are quickly catching up in size to the older ones, but still not hanging out all together.  So, while the big girls feast on their breakfast and don't let in the younger ones, I fill up a frisbee with some nibbles for the young ladies.  Here you can see an older hen eyeing the frisbee food, so it's not an entirely foolproof plan yet.
As we walked back to the house, ZB spied a little frog friend in her pool.  This girl has a talent for finding frogs, I think!  She has been known to run up to us all excited, with a patient little frog in her tiny grip.  This one was quick in the water, but ZB sure tried hard to catch it!

She even tried baiting it with her swiss chard snack...

She eventually gave up and toddled away to share her picture story with her brothers.

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