We moved again! (just can't get enough of it apparently!) The boys and I are still in Asheville, just moved in with a most wonderful man :) I apologize to all my friends I've been ignoring this last month (yep, that's all of you - I'm lame). Big changes happening!! After 5-1/2 years of providing childcare out of my home, I've called it quits. I was ready to head a new direction, and have been feeling that the boys were getting their homeschool activities put aside in leiu of toddler nap schedules and such. So, the new house is bigger, even with bigger yard destined for fruit trees and backyard ducks and chickens and lots of new goodness! The boys love it! I'm still getting settled in, a little bit living out of boxes, but glad to be in a comfy spot and feeling the love...
I hardly have been taking photos lately, but remembered to grab my camera when Bobby and the boys made a new skate ramp in the back yard this week.

Boys lending some body weight:

Love you all! I'll try to update sooner than later.